My name is Yunlong Xing. I am currently a Ph.D. student in the Center for Secure Information Systems (CSIS) at George Mason University, with the supervision of Dr. Kun Sun. Before that, I received a Master’s Degree in Engineering in June 2021 at Wuhan University, majoring in Cyberspace Security, with the supervision of Dr. Fei Yan. And I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering in June 2018 from Wuhan University, focusing on Information Security. My research interests lie primarily in the fields of Automatic Program Repair (APR), Container Security, and System Security.


Conference Papers

  • USENIX Security 2024 What IF Is Not Enough? Fixing Null Pointer Dereference With Contextual Check [paper]
    Yunlong Xing, Shu Wang, Shiyu Sun, Xu He, Kun Sun, and Qi Li.
    In 33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security), Philadelphia, PA, 2024.
    (Acceptance Rate - Summer Review Cycle: 98/515 = 19.0%)

  • USENIX Security 2023 Cross Container Attacks: The Bewildered eBPF on Clouds [paper]
    Yi He*, Roland Guo*, Yunlong Xing, Xijia Che, Kun Sun, Zhuotao Liu, Ke Xu, and Qi Li.
    In 32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security), Anaheim, CA, 2023.
    (Acceptance Rate - Fall Review Cycle: 155/531 = 29.2%)

  • ICSME 2023 Exploring Security Commits in Python [paper]
    Shiyu Sun, Shu Wang, Xinda Wang, Yunlong Xing, Elisa Zhang, and Kun Sun.
    IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), Bogotá, Colombia, 2023.
    (Acceptance Rate: 27/119 = 22.7%)

  • CNS 2022 SysCap: Profiling and Crosschecking Syscall and Capability Configurations for Docker Images [paper]
    Yunlong Xing, Jiahao Cao, Xinda Wang, Sadegh Torabi, Kun Sun, Fei Yan, and Qi Li.
    IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), Austin, TX, 2022.

  • RAID 2022 BinProv: Binary Code Provenance Identification without Disassembly [paper]
    Xu He, Shu Wang, Yunlong Xing, Pengbin Feng, Haining Wang, Qi Li, Songqing Chen, and Kun Sun.
    International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID), Limassol, Cyprus, 2022.
    (Acceptance Rate: 35/139 = 25.2%)

  • CTCIS 2017 Research on Cryptographic Algorithm Recognition Based on Behavior Analysis [paper]
    Fei Yan, Yunlong Xing, Shiwei Zhang, Zhihan Yue, and Yamin Zheng.
    Chinese Conference on Trusted Computing and Information Security (CTCIS), Wuhan, China, 2017.

Journal Papers

  • TDSC 2023 A Hybrid System Call Profiling Approach for Container Protection [paper]
    Yunlong Xing*, Xinda Wang*, Sadegh Torabi, Zeyu Zhang, Lingguang Lei, and Kun Sun.
    IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), 2023.
    (*equal contribution)

  • FGCS 2022 The Devil is in the Detail: Generating System Call Whitelist for Linux Seccomp [paper]
    Yunlong Xing, Jiahao Cao, Kun Sun, Fei Yan, and Shengye Wan.
    Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), 2022.

  • Container Security Protection Scheme Based on System Call Restriction [paper]
    Yunlong Xing, Fei Yan, Yanxiao Liu, and Liqiang Zhang.
    Journal of Wuhan Univerisity (Natural Science Edition), 2021 (in Chinese).


  • TAPIA 2024 DISPATCH: Entangled Security Patch Unravelment in Open-Source Software
    Shiyu Sun, Yunlong Xing, Xinda Wang, and Kun Sun.
    CMD-IT/ACM Richard Tapia Conference, San Diego, CA, 2024.

Talks and Presentations

  • What IF Is Not Enough? Fixing Null Pointer Dereference With Contextual Check
    In 33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security), Philadelphia, PA, August 2024.

  • Cross Container Attacks: The Bewildered eBPF on Clouds [slides]
    In 32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security), Anaheim, CA, August 2023.

  • SysCap: Profiling and Crosschecking Syscall and Capability Configurations for Docker Images [slides]
    IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), Austin, TX, October 2022.

Honors and Awards

  • 33rd USENIX Security Symposium Student Travel Grant (2024)
  • 32nd USENIX Security Symposium Student Travel Grant (2023)
  • First Prize in 10th China’s National College Student Information Security Contest (2017)
  • Second Class Academic Scholarship in Wuhan University (2017)
  • Third Prize in China’s National University Mobile Internet Application Innovation Contest (2016)

Academic Services

  • Artifacts Evaluation Program Committee
    • Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) (2023)
  • Conference Reviewer
    • IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) (2024)
    • IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM) (2023)
  • Journal Reviewer
    • IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security (TIFS) (2024)
    • Computers & Security (2023/2024)